Thursday, March 12, 2009

Give Them A Break

Recently, I received this disturbing forward mail and would like to share it out . .

This is about some shitheads slaughtering our world longest snake that is the Reticulated Python for the purpose of 'handbags' and stuffs . . don't they learned about substitute materials rather than something rare and exotic ?

Those poor creatures are bitten and hanged to death for doing nothing wrong, what's the difference with murdering ?

Humans are the dominating species, putting those creatures into hell and act as a devil .

This is not photography ! !

Imagine someone you loved being treated this way .

Transferring their skinless bodies .

Devils doing their jobs, pulling and stretching bodies. Very cool harh

What you looking at JackAss, very handsome ar with that mushroom hat on ?! get along with life lar !~@#

In another case,
Monitor lizards are not spared too in this industries .

Same procedures applied, cut, slaughter, hang, peel, bang, f#ck etc etc . . .

This what they got, worth thousand of dollars, only thousand of dollars for those innocent soul that sacrifice for human satisfactions .

Outcome of it, should be a priceless handbag rather than only few thousand dollars .

I repeat once more, this is not photography. Is a death sentence !!
Wake up people, this is not a necessity materials for handbags, this more like cruelty as many friendlier materials are available in this world. Save this poor creatures, their numbers are getting lesser and lesser.

1 comment:

Hiro Koo said...

so disgusting

Damn killer!

wish the rich guy or girl don't use their 'cruel product'