Malaysia's first indoor climbing gym... Summit Climbing Gym, owned and operated by Nomad Adventure Sdn Bhd has officially closed on the 11th of August. The new location is still under negotiations.
Sad news is, this year ROXX will officially be the last one.
Have been working with Nomad for three fun months, missed last year ROXX, thanks to my greediness for money.
Anyways, ROXX was awesome, the routes, peoples, marshalls etc etc...Chiqs climbing, machos climbing. Well, one word, great experience !! Experience was differnt compare to MSSD, MSSS or even MSSM, even though it was a competition but there is nothing to be nervous or fear about, is all about the fun of climbingzzzz ~ ~ =D
This was my number, 001, cant believe I was the first to sign up for this event..Thanks to my beloved you =D
My best friend during work last time. Introducing one very cool dude, Abang Najib....always there to influence me with his Gudang Garam
This year wasn't as cool as last year where boulder walls are no more located at the ground floor in the complex. Everything from bouldering to Dynos are all on the top ropes wall.
This was the end of ROXX 2008. Cheer Cheer ! !
Preparing for the Dyno competition. I loved this guy's hair ~ ~
Me and with my all time supportive climbing partner, Bradley. You are always there to stimulate my lust for climbing
One day before that,
Was training in Camp5 to warm up a little, haven't been climbing for 2 months.
Check out the hand and foot holds, imagine them as candy, yum yum ! ! =D
Me doing some easy bouldering. Gosh, my fingers cant take on my weight anymore....And ya, whats that anchor doing on the wall ?
My beloved dear and future climbing partner (hopefully lar) Please be . . .
Didn't took many pictures during ROXX, too busy climbing, only provided us with 4 hours, minus the lining up, it will be only 2 hours of climbing...
Everything went on smoothly, I did my best though, very satisfied with my results. Well, I am not in the top 5 or top 10 but it was the satisfaction in finishing one routes.
ROXX got me to realized that how wonderful climbing really is, once a climber, always will be.
*Climbing is all about the passion, not the glory*