Sunday, March 17, 2013

Lesser X Normal (Fatality)

Managed to hatched a clutch of lesser X normal, 3 lesser's, 4 normal's, 1 slug. Good job for the Big Mama. However, sadly to say, in 6 years of keeping ball python's, this is my first casualty. Out of 7 eggs, only 2 normals survived.

It was cut on day 55

Beautifully formed lesser !

Everything seem well but ...

Yolk-sack still attached

My biggest mistake was to take the temperature of the incubator for granted. Another mistake was getting bacteria infection on the eggs.

Listen friends, next time after you have cut your eggs, leave them in the incubator as it is until they start crawling out THEMSELVE's. It doesn't matter it might be day 70 or day 80 after that, they will be fine as long you keep your incubator close !

Expensive lesson for me.

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