Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Ball Python HAaaatccchhhiiieess

All 5 eggs are doing great and show good colors on day 51, the whole incubator started to sweat real much.

Condensation was build up drastically since day 50.

Eggs are denting one by one approaching day 55. These dented eggs are good signs for fertile and healthy eggs.

Group of friends taking a peep on what do we have in this clutch.

Here I go, cutting the first egg. It was day 60 already, none show sign of self popping and the best way to do it is by cutting a little the top part of the egg to allow the baby to breath. This method is to prevent any babies from drowning inside their eggs.

Jo : What do we got? I can see a little Piedball ?? Isay, just normal larrzz..
Mak : The snake first impression and words express, ( Are you my mommy??)

Looks a bit messy as I accidentally cut the egg veins, it is fine, no worries. As long nothing sharp touches the snake.

Here we go, all back into the incubator with the top part of the eggs slice open a little to allow them to breath and ease their way out of it.

It may take 2 to 3days, even 4 but sometimes 1 day for the snake to crawl out from their eggs. It's very IMPORTANT that you doesn't force them out as they are still absorbing their last meal which is the remaining yolk contain in their eggs. Moreover, their umbilical cord are still attach and they will break it once they are ready.

Don't worry too much and leave them alone and they will come out on their own. Fatal accident usually happen because of inpatient breeders.

This is the first baby which came out on day 2 after cutting. Cute little fellow, the other 4 came out safely and are most adorable ! Average weight for hatclings is 55g. 5 of mine range from 51g to 59g.

1. 55 days for incubation period from the day the eggs are laid.
2. It should hatch by itself by having a head popping out by day 54 to 58.
3. Cut the eggs by day 60 if it still doesn't pop by itself. (PREVENT DROWNING)
4. Leave the eggs all alone (NEVER FORCE THEM OUT), ballies will be out in a day of 2 to 3.
5. Remove those babies and bath them from any substrate from the incubator and place them nicely into their new enclosure.


4 ™ said...

nice nice.. like an earth worm LOL said...

very interesting stuff. ^_^