Thursday, December 31, 2009

Ballies Update

Season(left) and Rex(right), 2 normal baby ball python that grown into teenage hood.

Rex's been feeding very well on mice, a little problem with other rodents.

Season's has been a great eater but previously was a sick pain in the ass baby due to mites infection. haha

Both normals are beautiful, one with bright golden spots and another with long banded patterns.

Unique stripes and colors differentiate them easily.

Appreciate the gift of these, thanks bro's !!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Hiking Bukit Tabur, Melawati

Bukit Tabur, one of the finest lime stone hill for hikers in the Klang Valley, very nice place indeed. Unpredictable terrain, low water particles, good for photography with a feel of danger. Anyways, never get there after rain to avoid slippery rocks, it can be really dangerous =0

Started hiking at 6.45am, didn't imagine that there will be a group earlier than us, having a picnic there.
Sun has not risen, indicating good news that we're on par with time.

The terrain is slightly rocky, involving alot of climbing of steep rocks, unlike Gasing Hill, where you can walk comforably on a man made path.
1 quater through, is still early =)

Rocky path, make your feet hurts

Sun is up
Klang Gates Dam You get 2 types of view up there, one side revealing the view of skyscrapers and city, the other side opening the eyes to the breathtaking view of Klang Gates surrounded by mountains.
High land plantsI took around 1 hour to reach the peak, and approximately 45 minutes to get back to civilization. Timing will definitely vary according to individual's capability. To boost energy, have a hearty dim sum breakfast with your hiking mates, and take a good afternoon nap after a warm nice shower. (: Credits to Johan's camera, nice picture yea.
Always remember, safety first, play safe, hike safe =D

Sunday, December 6, 2009

I Am Hungry

Browsing through some old pictures and saw this. Does it looks delicious?
Located somewhere in uptown, haven't try it before, so called second best burger in the region, must try to know !

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


My second clutch of pinkies from one mother. 10 of them here !! More projects to go.

Cute isn't it? =D